Jumat, 26 September 2008

Autis-Berry Cons Mountain Biking

In the perspective of consumer evolution, I am so called the early adopter.its a kind of consumer who make used of stuff at the earlier time in the product lifecycle.they are not trendsetter.It tsrue that I joined facebook when people are not so much like these days.I've been using facebook for 2 years.the same figure also apply to my blackberry experience.you can see that I'm still using the old bb 7100 series that I use to write this note.
Sometimes The addicted blackberry get me to severe accident.I used to play bb like my youngest brother do his psp.none can distract my attention to bb. Once I hit motorbike in the traffic. Typing bb while crossing the streets also a common.I realized those drawbacks among the advantages.This behavior used to call the autis-berry.
Since then I found a distraction for it. Mountain biking seems tobe a good way to block this kind of autism.its mtb not bike to work inspite of I enjoy bike to work too.now im happy that I can move far from the autis-berry and get healthy life and adrenaline rush in somewhat dangerous downhill biking.

Kamis, 25 September 2008

My Personality Test

I've just read results of my personality test via personality100 dot com.its been a longtime when I took that test online.I took it seriously in about half an hour.these are the results:
1. I am more adventurous than the average male.that's why I love mountain biking rides in our forests very much.
2. I am more organised than the average male and the averade female too!I've told so to my wife everytime about that coz she usually get things unorganized at our home.
3. I have more empathy to people than the average male an female.

More to speak but all of said that those are the guiding personality in my life and made me distinctive among others. How about you? Have a try at www.personality100.com

Rabu, 10 September 2008

TOMI AHONEN NEW RELEASE BOOK :Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media

Tomi Ahonen, Futurist and mobile media expert meluncurkan buku terbarunya :

Tomi Ahonen releases sixth book, excerpt attached
Entitled Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media
Explains why modern phone is compelling and soon dominating media platform
This email may be freely forwarded

Dear Imanzah

I have just had my sixth book announced last Friday by its publisher, Futuretext, in London, who are now taking orders. It is called 'Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media', and is subtitled Cellphone, cameraphone, iPhone, smartphone. The book will hit bookstores later this month, first in the UK and soon the rest of the world. If early reviews of the book are any guide, this is likely to be my sixth consecutive bestseller.

So this is 'the' book about the 7th Mass Media space. Mobile and why it is a similar 'inherent threat' media channel as the internet was to older media like TV and print, a decade ago; and now the seven unique benefits of mobile that even the internet cannot match. I've been saying for a long time now, that mobile is to the internet, like TV was to radio, a far more compelling and soon-to-be dominating mass media platform. Everything that was ever created for radio, was copied to TV; but most of the innovations on TV cannot succeed on radio. This will soon be the case also for mobile, and this is the book to tell you how..

But I need not convince you about it. You can read the excerpt for yourself. The attached document includes two full chapters from the book, one full case study (Flirtomatic) and the Foreword by Pekka Ala-Pietila, CEO of Blyk in the UK and past President of Nokia.

Japan's Softbank praises the book as does Russia's MTS. The world's largest mobile operator group Vodafone's strategy director calls it my best book yet. Media companies from print publishers IDG in America to mobile advertising giant of South Korea Aircross strongly recommend the book. The founder of Electronic Arts and now CEO of Digital Chocolate, Trip Hawkins says that I'm ahead of the pack in mobile. In the age of the iPhone, this is the book to read now.

We will be offering a short course on issues around this book again as with my previous books at Oxford University. These are short 2 day courses and very modestly priced, for busy executives. The first will run in December, with my fellow lecturers David Cushman of Bauer Media (ex Emap) and Alan Moore my co-author and co-blogger around Communities Dominate. Mean while, I'm here in Hong Kong and flying around the world giving seminars and strategy briefings around the 7th Mass Media space. New Googles and Ebays and Amazons will emerge on mobile just like all previous six media created new global opportunities to what now are brand names such as Paramount and Disney in movies or Warner and EMI in music recordings, or Sky and HBO on television, etc. There will be new giant global media empires that will capitalize on the seven benefits of mobile; my gut says the winners will not be legacy media attempting to copy TV news clips or spam advertising to mobile..

You may freely forward the attached document to anyone you think might be interested in how mobile phones are becoming a mass media and are now already cannibalizing other industries such as music, gaming, TV, advertising and the internet. If you want to be among the very first to read the book, you might want to order it now at http://mobile7th.futuretext.com/

If you or any recepient of this email writes about mobile or media, please note that the attached document may be freely quoted from at length, in any press article, blog story, book, report or other publication.

Finally, I still blog at www.communities-dominate.blogs.com with Alan Moore, and I continue to host Forum Oxford with Ajit Jaokar. But I will be launching a blogsite dedicated to topics around this book at www.7thmassmedia.com and you might want to visit that blog soon for all the news about the book and updates on stories in this 7th mass media space.

So as I now like to close my emails,

...but on the other hand, you have your other mobile phone!

Tomi Ahonen :-)

Kamis, 04 September 2008

Business Model Innovation

Saya mulai diracuni yang namanya framework saat saya menyelesaikan thesis di Binus Business School, Jakarta, oleh sahabat saya Tjunning. sekumpulan kotak/bulatan/garis/teks ini membuat saya ketagihan. Sampai sekarang pun dan nantinya saya tetap mencari dan mendalami bentuk-bentuk framework seperti ini. Ini salah satu yang saya favoritkan, tentu saja karena berjudul Business Model, karena hobi saya membuat business model. Enjoy!

BEN KWELLER at the Flèche d'Or

Sudah lama sekali sekitar tahun 2001 saya sudah membaca fenomena Ben Kweller. Alkisah bocah ini 'ajaib', membuat guru piano-nya menyerah mengajarinya karena BK lebih jago darinya (ternyata), Hingga cerita ngeces-nya label rekaman seperti RCA, Maverick Records-nya Madonna mengejar tanda tangan BK untuk kontrak album. So...coba saksikan penampilannya di Prancis ini.

Selasa, 02 September 2008

Hak Siar FIFA World Cup 2010 digenggam Electronic City? BUKAN di Indosiar dkk

Olimpiade 2008 di Beijing telah lewat dengan meninggalkan impresi yang hebat dan kekaguman dunia pada China selaku penyelenggara. Pesta pembukaan yang WOW mengumbar decak kagum siapapun yang menyaksikan dan juga yang membaca dan mendengar melalui media massa cetak dan elektronik.Sisi pemasaran dalam Olimpiade Beijing 2008 ini juga tidak kalah hebatnya. Di Indonesia tiba-tiba muncul AORA TV dikomandani oleh Ongki P. Soemarno, seorang penggila olahraga. AORA mendapatkan hak siar eksklusif penayangan Olimpiade Beijing 2008 serta Liga Inggris 2008/2009 untuk Indonesia. Belum lagi kabar tayangan Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan yang rasanya sudah digenggam oleh Electronic City, sebuah perusahaan elektronik dimana Saya sering makan di foodcourt-nya yang terletak di SCBD Jakarta.Lha kok toko elektronik??? FIFA memang terkenal jago marketing. Bukan jamannya lagi menurut FIFA bahwa hak siar turnamen sekelas World Cup, event terbesar di dunia, mutlak ditawarkan ke Broadcast Industry. Bagaimana dengan sikap RCTI, ANTV, INDOSIAR, TRANS TV , TVRI, dkk bahkan juga AORA? Apakah mereka mau juga menikmati manisnya gula World Cup 2010? Seed your bid to Electronic City! biar masyarakat banyak bisa menikmati.
Lain pula yang terjadi pada Industri Broadcast di Amerika. NBC dengan elegan menjadi pemegang hak siar Olimpiade Beijing 2008 lalu.Sepertinya untuk Olimpiade 2016, masih lama nih, banyak yang berebutan menjadi the Highest Bidder. Mark Cuban dalam blognya memperkirakan ada ESPN,NBC, dan DirecTV. Kurun waktu pemanasan hingga 2016 sanggup mereka lakukan untuk mencari duit bagi pendanaan hak siar olimpiade 2016 itu. Jika berbicara masalah pemasaran, maka sebaiknya menduga-duga apalagi terobosan tidak biasa di bidang akuisisi hak siar olahraga ini. Apakah mungkin ada pihak diluar broadcast industry yang menjadi pemenangnya nanti? akankah ada perusahaan seperti Electronic City di Amerika yang begitu berani?
Saatnya berbicara dari segi media. Sudah lama handphone dipandang sebagai konvergensi teknologi untuk menonton TV atau disebut sebagai mobile TV. Sepertinya sangat cool menonton TV di HP. Tapi apakah bisa menghasilkan duit buat provider mobile tv? sepertinya di Indonesia tidak. Tapi jika Olahraga khususnya Arg vs Brasil hanya bisa ditonton di HP maka ramai-ramai provider mobile TV kewalahan menghadapi permintaan ?bisa jadi iya kalau misalnya hanya si provider mobile TV yang menyiarkan Big Match tersebut. Emang enak nonton bola di HP? tenang aja kawan, kan banyak HP yang ada TV Out...tinggal colokin aja ke TV di rumah ato kelurahan. Apa kata dunia?

Senin, 01 September 2008

10 HABITS of Yours

Sepertinya ada perbedaan antara Trend dan Fad. Yang paling dasar adalah adanya perbedaan budaya antar bangsa. Tidak serta merta yang Trend di Amrik bisa nge-trend di jakarta. Begitu juga presentasi ini, walaupun bilangnya ASIA, namun apakah bisa dengan mudah merefleksikan konsumen media di Indonesia? lets digest!


Perjalanan saya browsing mencari pengetahuan akhirnya memperkenalkan saya pada Visual Thinking di awal tahun 2008 ini. Apakah itu? silakan disimak.