Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

The Final Countdown - almost unplugged, Europe-The Band

My all time Favourite as you know it:

Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

Kerja Lembur ato Bangun Pagi?

dari Billboard A MILD: "kalau rezeki datang orang yang bangun pagi,kenapa harus kerja sampai malam". Kata orang tua wajib bangun pagi supaya rejeki tidak dipatok ayam. Ayam juga begitu dibilangin ortu-nya :"nak(ayam) bangun pagi ye biar gak dipatok(goreng) manusia" :). Lain halnya Owner di kantor pernah bilang ke teman-teman,"Kita harus meeting malam ini karena Siapa yang tahu bahwa banyak perusahaan sejenis kita meeting juga malam ini dan mereka sudah tahu apa yang harus dilakukan esok paginya. Bayangkan kalau kita yang enak2an tidur di rumah saat ini (saat itu sebentar lg midnight) dan oleh itu besok pagi baru menentukan rencana...wah...kita bakal kalah ceritanya". Dan itu terjadi tiap hari...hhuehehe...dan masih wajib datang pagi ke kantor. Walhasil satu temen rontok badannya setelah 2 bulan menjalani rutinitas ini dan juga sempat di-opname di Rumah Sakit. Setelah kejadian rawat inap itu, kami semua di kantor yang sering 'ngalong' dikasih suplemen detoksifikasi tubuh.
Jadi karena saya sudah mengalami kombinasi itu, kerja sampai malam dan bangun pagi juga, boleh dibilang tergantung passion kita, siapa Bos-nya dan imbal jasa nya. Pertama sih semangat, namun lihat temen down jadinya Saya waspada memperhatikan kondisi tubuh walaupun sudah di 'suntik' detoks.

Senin, 15 Desember 2008

How To Sketch on a Napkin Beautifully

I love Dave Gray, a Visual Thinker, whom I wish to have him here in Jakarta to share his Thinking. This is his how to sketch on Napkin. Watch carefully.

Sabtu, 06 Desember 2008

Why Koala-Kuskus?

No Heart of Gold, CRM in Matahari Dept Store

Excerpt from Call Center Solution Case Studies from AVAYA to Victoria Secrets Direct Selling :
Using predictive algorithms, Avaya Business Advocate applies values to agent skills and dynamically maximizes
the match rates between callers
and agents — so, for example, calls from the best customers are handled by “Heart of Gold” (top 20 percent) agents, not new hires.

Suddenly I got reminiscence from my Post Graduate years at Binus University , Jakarta, involving this AVAYA Case Study. This happened when me and my wife got stucked in queueing line at Matahari Department Store (MDS) at Pluit Village (previously Mega Mall Pluit). Today used to be the openings of this newly refurbished branch of local retailers MDS.What's in the rush? YES! DISCOUNT,up to 50%. Most of tenants said 20% discount on the hanging tag and as always 50% were on the Baskets full of messy discounted items of various brands of clothing.
I noticed that there were 4 stalls of Cashier in the women-apparel floor. Each of it occupied by only one patron. Ta..rr..rraa, here comes the trouble.So what's in align of that AVAYA Case Study? its all about routing a Cashier Patronage with line up of customers carrying in-store shopping bag. By only one person-cashier handling payments of many customers in high average of apparel they fond of,My Wife stayed for almost an hour just to pay 2 items. Mostly caused by chit-chat between early starter-cashier with a person which wanna pay a bagful of apparels compensating 20% voucher and in-store 20%-50% Opening Discount.
It caught me with a thinking how was MDS did routing of this shopping payment? Did They notice that with the hype of opening discount will attract so much discount grabbers? Did They think about the payment interaction routing? Why did MDS employ what so called trainee to handle this hype?
I think MDS should evaluate the way they conduct its business process especially on in-store cashier line up. They should analyze the best convenience routing involving both of experience and trainee employee to handle this kind of thing.
But, at the last thought i knew that in CRM practice, Retailers are allowed to kick these discount grabbers (Bronze Customer)because this kind of customers are not in their long term planning. The discount-grabbers come only for Disc, not a loyal customer.
Whatever it is the approach that MDS used should not burden MDS Short term and Long term planning.Since having that exhausted queuing, we declined to shop for more items or it would ended as Midnight Shopping!FYI: We did shopping in the afternoon at 15.00 WIB.

Kamis, 04 Desember 2008


Franchising A Realistic Business Expansion Option For Every Business?

From: kennethsharp,
1 week ago

A presentation looking at the criteria for a business wanting to expand through franchising.

Looks at the various franchise models and also other business expansion models.

End result is that any succesful franchise is probably a mix of the various models.

There are as many models of Franchises as there are business multiplied by the different ambitions and desires of the owners of those bsuinesses.

Orignally given at Ortus Local Enterprise SAgency in Belfast as part of their Franchisor Business Development Program

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The World of F&B

World Food & Beverage Industry 2010-2025 Serge Guégan - Food Intelligence - 2008

From: sergeguegan,
9 months ago

World Food & Beverage Industry 2010-2025 - Global Trends, Stakes & Challenges, Key Players, Strategic Profiles, Strengths and Weaknesses, Future, Winners, Loosers ...

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Car Sharing Demo

more to read at antimacet